Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A New Mommy: Let the adventure begin! Pt 1

Welcome to my new blog on mommyhood :) 

I thought maybe I should copy a link to Kylan's (My son) birth story as well as my First Pregnancy Adventures blog. This may help clear up a few questions on both mine and the baby's back story...

Pregnancy Blog:

Kylan's Birth Story:

I am very blunt and honest when it comes to my opinions but I will NEVER bash somebody who may or may not have different views than myself. I am hoping to use this blog to record my life as a new mom and that of my family as well as chat about various topics. Some being debate based and/or "hot" topics that tend to get people bent out of shape. Thus my stating I will never bash another party even though we may have some disagreements. You have my word! 

So let's dig in and see where this new road takes us :)

Shannon <3